South Gate - Continental


South Gate - Continental

TRANSFORMATION - Stability through Change

239 Image H

Program: Commercial

Area: 5.75 Acres

Client: Continental AG

Status: Completed

Location: Bangalore, South India

Transformation is a persistent factor in the country that is felt every day and everywhere. Stability cannot be demanded from the environment but has to be found within oneself. Without this one is lost in the never-ending jostle and bustle of every Indian city. Nature and landscape contain within them stability through change and therefore provide the ideal tool to reconcile the frightened individual with their environment.
We all are connected in multiple ways and are part of and experience constant changes in our environment and within ourselves. As urban dwellers, we spend a lot of our time going back and forth between our preferred destinations in a fairly predictable pattern. During that journey, we experience multiple transformations. The landscape concept explores these different facets of transformation and aims to create a mapping of people’s movement patterns but also challenges to influence and alter these movement patterns.
Southgate was developed on the site of an unfinished building. A dense canvas of trees has developed along the periphery of the property, making their retention a doable objective. These contains many fully grown Mango, African Tulip, Gulmohar and Silveroak Trees as well as Coconut Palms. Retaining these large mature and beautiful trees provided a wealth of inspiration and direction to the landscape team with the landscape concept lines evolving from here. This mature look is able to lends the site a sense of familiarity, stability and beauty and has great microclimatic benefits that enable the use of outdoor spaces even during the hot summer months. This contributes in sustaining a healthy and balanced workforce whilst preserving the site’s natural assets and creating spaces for nature to thrive.
The landscape concept looks at the users and their requirements to gather in small or large groups or enjoy quiet time on their own to suit their current state of mind and emotion. In response to this we created facilities such as an amphitheatre for large group activities, outdoor gym and chai point for smaller groups and reading nook and nature walk as well as yoga space to cater to the individual users.
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